NCBD 11/11/20
Another new episode where we tell you about this weeks new comics!
Please help protect yourself and others by wearing a mask, back in July before we started doing videos again Sami and her children caught covid-19. It was a rough time and she and her oldest continue to have breathing issues from the time they had it. Covid-19 is not a joke, it is deadly and we got lucky that their immune systems were not compromised. Please wear a mask, we're not trying to be mean by requiring them in the store, we simply don't want to put anyone else through that or risk the lives of our customers. Many of us have family, friends, coworkers, teachers, and more who have died from contracting the virus. Please help slow the spread of covid-19 and wear a mask.
If you have not already please go to rickscomiccity.com to get your ticket to the show this weekend. Tickets are free but reserving your time will make sure to guarantee you at least 30 minutes in the building.
Join Rick's Comic City Clarksville's very own Krystal & Sami every week as they explore the new comics hitting the shelf that week. Check back here for update, or subscribe to Rick's Comic City's channel on YouTube.